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Explore Gecko Home of the GeckSquad

Mission Statement:
At Gecko, our mission is to create a vibrant and inclusive community that celebrates the love of cryptocurrency and all things gecko-related. We aim to provide a unique and entertaining experience for our token holders, while fostering a sense of unity and engagement within our community. Through our innovative approach and commitment to transparency, we strive to contribute to the growth and adoption of cryptocurrencies, while spreading joy and enthusiasm for geckos worldwide.

About Gecko:
Gecko is a cryptocurrency meme token that combines the excitement of the crypto world with the fascination for geckos. We believe that cryptocurrencies should not only be about financial gains but also about building a strong and passionate community. With Gecko, we aim to create a platform where crypto enthusiasts and gecko lovers can come together, share their experiences, and have fun.

Our token is built on a secure and decentralized blockchain network Ethereum, ensuring the safety and integrity of transactions. We prioritize transparency and open communication, providing regular updates and engaging with our community through various channels. We are committed to fair distribution and actively discourage any form of market manipulation.

Gecko is more than just a token; it represents a shared love for geckos and the potential of cryptocurrencies. By investing in Gecko, you not only become part of a vibrant community but also contribute to a cause that aligns with our values.

Join us on this exciting journey as we explore the world of cryptocurrencies and celebrate the charm and uniqueness of geckos. Together, we can make a positive impact and create a lasting legacy in the crypto space.


100,000,oo0,000 Supply

LP Burned

0/0 Tax

.8% Burned 

600+ Gecko Holders



Latest News & Info

Stay Tuned for new and exciting developments! 

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